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“You can always be thinner, look better!”

In the words of the one and only American Psycho…you can never be too healthy. Everyone is always searching for ways to burn the extra calories they put on every day by snacking and unhealthy eating habits.

However, the list of ways to burn extra fat is getting long, boring, and too monotonous. That’s when you need to switch things up a bit from typical gym workouts and bring in external stimuli that are sure to engage and interest you.

Paddle boarding is a long-slept-on high intensity activity in the great outdoors that can double up as a whole full-body good workout when done right. Wondering just how many calories does paddle boarding burn? You can burn over 400 calories per hour of paddleboarding depending on various other factors!

Ready to give your New Year’s Resolution a chance? Read more to find out just how life-changing this activity actually is.

Overview of Paddleboarding

Paddleboarding; also referred to as standup paddle boarding, is all about balance. In fact, the key part of the calories burned paddle boarding is all dependent on how long you can stay on the board.

paddle boarding calories

This low-impact exercise demands strength, patience, and balance altogether while engaging your core, legs, back, arms, neck, shoulders, and even toes to achieve the perfect posture on the board.

In order to burn calories while paddle boarding, it is necessary to adopt the proper SUP boarding technique and execute the steps perfectly. Just like a squat done in the wrong posture, paddle boarding is of no use to your body workout if done in a manner opposing the correct paddling technique.

Is Paddle Boarding a Good Full Body Workout?

calories burned stand up paddle boarding

Yes! In all actuality, paddle boarding is relaxing, interesting, intense, and therapeutic. It has been studied and noted that you can burn up to 430 calories every hour that you’re recreational paddling. Recreational use is the most common type of SUP paddleboarding, and is an easy paddle with calm water and light winds at a slow walking type pace.

However, this number isn’t a fixed amount that any and every person can achieve with just an hour of constant paddle boarding. The number of calories you burn paddle boarding relies entirely on the paddler’s age, experience, gender, and paddling technique.

But, out of all of these variables, the most essential factors that concern the amount of calorie burn are your experience and proper technique. The more experienced paddlers in standup paddle boarding, the more likely they are to spend long hours out on the water, burning calories and enhancing their fitness level.

Paddle Boarding Burns How Many Calories?

When it concerns how many calories are burned in an hour of moderate paddling, there is no one-way road to the answer to this question. Factors that come into play are various and different.

For example, if you are dealing with bigger waves, then you will need to exert more effort to keep your balance and cut through the waves. However, with calmer waters and a typical casual pace, you won’t need to huff and puff.

how many calories does paddle boarding burn

Therefore the calories burned in calmer water with light winds are comparatively lesser than those burned in rockier waves.

However, on average, if your balance is good and your flow consistent, then you are bound to burn over 400 calories per hour of paddleboarding. Keep in mind that generally the sport is done on calm water with only light winds billowing about you.

So with that in mind, the ratio of calories burned in relatively intense water conditions will be a lot more than just 400 calories per hour.

In addition to all this, there is yet another factor that influences calories burned while you are in the water on your board. Paddle boarding can also be incorporated with surfing, fishing, and touring.

With each different variant of paddle boarding, the energy you exert differs, as well as the number of calories burned.

Calories Burned SUP Surfing

sup calories burned

SUP surfing, known as the finest form of cross-training is not only a killer calorie burner but also a high-intensity workout to tone and train every muscle. Surfing in itself is a known invigorating exercise but when done on a paddle board, there’s a more exciting touch to it.

Paddleboard surfing requires more stamina as the technique you must employ is a bit different and precise than what you usually do on a surfboard. Moreover, with regard to the wind speed and how crazy the waves are you will burn calories more.

On a typical chest to head high day, the average respective calorie burn estimates are 600-700 calories per hour during an hour of consistent SUP surfing. However, do not push yourself to your limits just to burn more calories. That will only drain and exhaust you.

An advanced and experienced paddler can burn about twice the calories (up to 900 calories) in an hour with an intense workout while paddleboard surfing. Surfers call it the best cross training and it is an amazing workout.

Calories Burned SUP Fishing

does paddle boarding burn calories

Incorporating the calmest and most therapeutic activity of fishing with the intense good workout of standup paddle boarding sounds a bit controversial. However, it is not only highly engaging but also interesting as there are two segments to this activity.

Initially, you need to travel some distance on your paddle board to your fishing spot and then spend your time balancing on your SUP while fishing simultaneously.

When your whole body is invested in balancing yourself on the board and at the same time maneuvering and controlling the fishing reel; that’s when more calories burned are counted.

SUP fishing is capable of burning 150-420 calories per hour and boasts some wonderful emotional health benefits too. While you are balancing on your board, waiting for the fish to hook onto your line; you can take this time to bond with your buddies or observe some peace with the waters.

Calories Burned SUP Touring

sup calories burnedhow many calories does paddle boarding burn

A fast-paced activity as compared to SUP fishing, you are bound to burn up to 700 calories in an hour with SUP touring. This type of stand-up paddle boarding is basically about traveling a long distance of land all on your board.

Normally, the touring entails paddling nonstop for a stretch distance without pausing but at a moderate pace. Some tours travel at an average speed of 3 miles per hour and those are estimated to burn up to 708 calories.

Due to the moderate pace at which the SUP buddies travel, it is assumed that not as many calories are burned but it is quite the opposite. Since the tour is about reaching a certain destination, there’s no stopping before that.

Therefore constant paddling and keeping the goal of reaching in mind helps not only burn more calories but also clear your mind.

How To Calculate Calories Burned While on Your SUP

As mentioned before, the number of calories burned while you paddle board depends on factors and variants pertaining to your physique and the surrounding conditions. So, here’s a nifty little formula for you to employ if you want to do the math.

You can also always use a “calorie burned calculator” if you want to save time!

But in case you don’t want to use the calories burned calculator, here is the process.

Firstly, you will need to calculate the Metabolic Equivalent of a Task (MET) of the type of standup paddleboarding you are doing. MET basically is a calculation of the amount of energy you will utilize in order to carry out this activity.

SUP is known to have a fixed MET value of 6.0 which translates to (in English) a moderately-vigorously intense activity. The formula is basically:
(MET x your body weight in KG x 3.5) /200.

The number values 3.5 and 200 remain constant as this formula will provide you with how many calories you burn per minute. So to calculate the hourly number, simply multiply the end result by 60.

How To Get A Better SUP Workout

Maximizing the benefits of your SUP workout can only be done if you refine your technique and improve your approach. The more you focus on your stance, posture, foot placement, and reflexes the more you will definitely improve.

Balancing is the one key aspect of paddle boarding that without it you can’t possibly even travel even half a foot of distance. The more you fall off your board, the better you will get at learning what you did wrong and how to avoid it in the future.

calories burned paddleboarding

Making sure you have the proper gear and the right board is also very essential. Some boards have added features that enhance your performance like elevated rear ends that allow you to place your feet at the right spot without having to visually check.

On the other hand, some paddle boards come with padded decks that will reduce the pain and shock to your knees and body when you slip and fall. In the same boat, personal paddling gear will ensure comfort, ease of movement, and confidence in your strengths.

Aside from these basic essentials, here are some other tips you can keep in mind to improve your performance:

Check Your Form

Focusing your strength on your core ensures that your strength tank is deeply rooted in a reliable place. Your arms aren’t trustworthy or strong enough to rely on for your paddling journey.

When riding the water, keep your knees slightly bent to stay alert and balanced and keep your eyes on the horizon ahead. Whereas when you’re paddling, employ your back muscles.

Build Momentum

Rationing how you expend your energy is a clever yet tough trick to learn. Most paddlers make the mistake of expiring all their energy on using the paddle blade and then have no juice left to move their bodies to the water’s rise and fall.

You need to distribute and be smart with how much energy you exert while paddling and moving. Divide your attention and effort equally for maximum results.

Boost Your Workout

Energy and flexibility are the core foundations upon which paddleboarding excels. Make sure your energy levels are enough for a good venture into the water and before going full expert, indulge in some energetic yoga flow.

You can either choose to stretch on land or on your board, either way, warm up your muscles and get some agility in those tendons. Also, remind yourself to take a break every now and again to drink, snack, and refuel.

Practice Proper Paddling Technique

Good technique! That’s where all the magic lies.

While paddling, remember to exert your back and shoulder muscles alongside your arms and keep your torso straight. Moreover, during paddle stroke form, let your core strength come to play, and where an upcoming turn is coming, use your shoulders to steer your body’s direction.

Long and strong paddling strokes are exactly what you need to move faster on water, and conserve your energy while also increasing the calories burned.

Can You Lose Weight Paddle Boarding?

does paddle boarding burn calories

Absolutely yes! Paddle board racing is yet another variation of the sport that is rigorous and extremely efficient in burning up calories like a bonfire burnin’ up marshmallows. Calories burned sup racing are the most intense of all.

A full-body workout, a SUP session helps burn belly fat, tone every muscle in your body, and reduces calorie numbers. However, there is no way to pinpoint which aspect of the sport targets which part of the body; it is the whole physical activity that refines the whole body.

Overweight individuals or those with higher body fat percentage who find it harder to stick to a gym routine are advised to adhere to paddle boarding compared to boring cardio and weight lifting.

Contact with the water increases blood circulation in the body, which in itself burns calories and brings SUP fitness benefits, whereas constant moving, exerting, and pushing is yet another weight loss factor.

Not just that but besides weight loss, this activity is also a great strength exercise.

SUP Really Does Work Your Core: Science Says

We have mentioned multiple times, that the center point of your strength during paddle boarding should originate from your core. The middle of your body is responsible for quick twisting and balancing the upper body while your legs switch positions rapidly.

sup boarden

Focusing on distributing body weight, where to place your feet, and which muscles to exert for which motion comes under the strength training part of recreational paddle boarding. This facilitates full-body resistance training that increases muscle endurance and improves muscular strength.

Moreover, when scientifically speaking the key concept of paddle boarding is…balance! Where balance is concerned in any activity, your body’s core is automatically activated and employed.

Not just that but rougher waters require more exertion to keep yourself balanced therefore the muscles in your torso are utilized and refined the most.

Summing Up

Paddle boarding is a high intensity activity that is a top choice and a great workout for weight loss, burning calories, and muscle toning. There isn’t a single muscle in the body that isn’t engaged and worked to perfection during the activity. Plus, it’s also fun!

For individuals searching for creative ways to get their health back on the right track paddle boarding is versatile, encompassing, and efficient. Moreover, if you’re scared of things getting monotonous in your workout routine… try out SUP fishing, SUP yoga, SUP racing, and SUP touring.

If you’re a beginner or intermediate paddler, get yourself a good quality option like the Lidl paddle board, for example, and start burning those calories!

Categories: Paddle Board


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